22. Quiz: What is a p-value Anyway?


Consider you have implemented a new program in the office to improve company morale. You measure employee morale for each employee via an assessment before and after the program. You want to see if the program was successful. Use this scenario to complete the matches below.




Deciding there was no change in morale, but there actually was an increase.

Deciding the program increased morale, but it actually didn't.

There was no change in the average morale of the company.

The new program on average increased morale.

The probability of the observed change in average morale occurring or an average change even more in favor of an increase in morale given there was actually no change in morale.




The probability of the observed change in average morale occurring or an average change even more in favor of an increase in morale given there was actually no change in morale.

Deciding the program increased morale, but it actually didn't.

There was no change in the average morale of the company.

The new program on average increased morale.

Deciding there was no change in morale, but there actually was an increase.


Using the same example from the first quiz, match each of the below alternative hypothesis with the way the distribution would be shaded. The statistic we compute is the sample mean after the program minus the sample mean before the program.


Alternative Hypothesis


There is no difference in the average morale.

The average morale after the program is higher than before the program.

The average morale after the program is lower than before the program.


Alternative Hypothesis


The average morale after the program is lower than before the program.

The average morale after the program is higher than before the program.

There is no difference in the average morale.